Students in Years 10 to 12 can access both academic and vocational pathways, this includes commencing school-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBAs) and other Certificate courses. In most cases completing an SBA replaces a school subject.
For further information, please contact our Pathways Officer on 4086 2500.
VET Certificates offered in 2024:
St Stephen’s Catholic College currently offers access to courses via third-party providers, including; TAFE Queensland, Central Queensland University and Mi Haven Training.
Third-Party Providers
The following courses are offered at the College through third-party providers:
VETIS funded, Certificate II courses through TAFE Queensland (Cairns campus)
Dual Qualification Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate II in Sport and Recreation through Central Queensland University (RTO #40939)
Dual Qualification Certificate III in Hospitality and Certificate II in Hospitality through Mi Haven Training (RTO #40928)
Certificate II in Resource and Infrastructure Preparation through Australasian Drilling (RTO #31440).
Complaints and Appeals
For any complaints or appeals regarding third-party providers, please contact them directly or external complaints and appeals can be directed to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) via this link: