St Stephen’s Catholic College is a family committed to working in partnership with students and parents. This partnership can be defined by three major events:
- Shared optimism for positive outcomes
- Shared responsibilities
- Good communication
As a Catholic College, we seek to fulfil our vision to make the word a better place. Parents and families on accepting enrolment work with staff and community members in ways that are supportive of our ethos and our commitment to an inclusive Catholic education.
All students are provided with many opportunities to encounter our Catholic charism through their expected participation in the Religious Education, Liturgical, Retreats/Camps, community, activities and programmes of the College.
Our College is an inclusive community and is welcoming of students from all faith backgrounds, abilities and family financial circumstances. Once a student accepts enrolment at the College, it is important that all family members understand that in accepting enrolment, all facets of College culture are also accepted. This includes the uniform and grooming expecations, Student Engagement Plan and the Technology Code of Conduct.
Conditions of Enrolment:
- Submitting an enrolment application does not guarantee enrolment at St Stephen’s Catholic College.
- Parents of those students accepted into the college family are expected to understand, accept and support the Catholic Ethos of the college.
- Evangelisation through witness and example will occur.
- There is an inclusive enrolment policy to cater for students with medical conditions and/or disabilities.
- A large percentage of the college community will be Catholic to enable the growth of all in the Catholic Faith.
- Parents should be fully conversant with the Mission Statement of the college.
- The Enrolment Handbook reminds parents at enrolment that the right of the student to have a place in our college confers an equal right on the college authority to receive the financial support of parents by way of payment of fees.
- No student will be deprived of a Catholic Education because of the genuine financial difficulties of his or her family.
- All students will participate in the Religious Education, Liturgical, Retreat/Camps, Community and Activities programs of the college.
- Parents will be involved in the life of the college (College Board, College Family Connect, tuckshop, other voluntary work etc).
- Enrolment of a student at a Catholic primary school does not guarantee enrolment at St Stephen’s Catholic College, and enrolment in compulsory education to Year 10 does not guarantee enrolment into Senior Education. Continued enrolment depends on the student meeting the expectations of the college derived from the Mission Statement.
- New and continuing enrolments are at the discretion of the Principal.
- Students will abide by the Pastoral Care Policy and Dress Code of the college.