The prime purpose of all fees and levies is to raise funds that will be used to provide quality educational outcomes and experiences. Parents, through their commitment to St Stephen’s Catholic College, have a responsibility and obligation to pay College fees and levies by the due date.
Students seeking a Catholic education are not excluded from attending St Stephen’s because of financial hardship. Families who experience genuine difficulty meeting fee and levy payments are asked to contact the College Principal to make special arrangements.
Tuition Fees: Tuition fees are an annual fee that is generally charged quarterly. Tuition Fees are set for all Catholic schools and colleges in the Diocese by Catholic Education Services, Diocese of Cairns. Discounts on tuition fees are provided to families when there are two or more students enrolled in Diocesan Catholic schools. Refer to your enrolment package for fee schedule details. These tuition fees contribute to most educational costs including tuition.
Learning Area Levies: Learning area (or subject levies) are charged quarterly to cover the costs of consumables, photocopying, materials used by students and teaching materials specific to particular learning areas. These levies are charged per student. The learning area levy for Years 7, 8 and 9 in 2025 will be $360.00 and $400.00 for Years 10, 11 and 12.
Building Levy: The building levy is an annual levy charged quarterly to families for children attending St Stephen’s Catholic College. As a family levy this fee is $560.00 per family, regardless of how many children attend St Stephen’s Catholic College.
General Purpose Levy: The general purpose levy is charged to offset the costs of students’ involvement in pastoral activities, bus travel to special activities and sports, student record book (school diary), feast day celebrations, the issuing of student IDs, participation in competitions, excursions and attendance at Arts Councils. With larger activities such as camps, retreats and social outings the levy offsets these costs and families may be required to make a smaller contribution to cover the costs of such activities. The general purpose levy for 2025 is $600.00.
Technology Levy: This levy contributes towards the increasing technology costs of providing broadband connectivity, wireless connectivity and the increased costing for technical support. All Year 7 – 12 students utilise technology within the college. The levy is $180.00 per student.
One to One Device Levy: All students in 2025 are issued with a one-to-one device which attracts a payment of $75.00 per term ($300.00 per annum) which is added to school fees.
College Family Connect Levy: The College and Family Connect levy is $40.00. This levy is invested back into the college infrastructure under the guidance of College Family Connect. Recent purchases have included additional lockers, additional outdoor seating, sanitary product dispensers for students, and SchoolTV.
Lock for Student Locker: A once only charge of $30.00 is charged to all students who receive a prescribed lock usable for their years at St Stephen’s. Any replacement is paid for by the student. Only prescribed combination locks that are master-keyed by the College may be used.
Payment options: Accounts are issued quarterly and are due within 14 days of the date of issue. Our preferred method of payment is BPAY. Payment can be made by monthly or fortnightly instalments, including credit card and direct debit options. Please contact the School Officer Accounts, to arrange a payment plan.
Up-Front Payment: Families who elect to pay the full year’s fees and levies during the first term of school will receive a 5% discount on all fees and levies.
For more information on Fees and Discounts visit the Catholic Education website.