At St Stephen’s Catholic College, pastoral care centres around the four pastoral houses which are represented on our college crest. These pastoral houses which comprise Augustine (gold) Deacon (red) McAuley (blue) and Muluridji (green) have a historical perspective which has influenced the culture of our college.
Augustine House:
This pastoral house was chosen because of the influence and presence of the Augustinian Order of priests in the Mareeba Parish. In keeping with the teachings of St Augustine, love for God is experienced as love for one another. This Augustinian spirituality focuses on love as the very centre of Christian existence. Therefore, our students are encouraged to foster positive relationships with others, and in so doing, they are demonstrating their love for God.
Deacon House:
Named after St Stephen who was commissioned by the apostles to preach to and care for the poorer members of the community, Deacon house represents the servant heart of our college community. Not only was St Stephen, a man of great faith who was subsequently stoned to death for his beliefs, but as a charismatic and influential speaker, he brought the word of God to many. Therefore the charism of Deacon house encourages our students to be of service to others.
McAuley House:
In recognition of the tremendous contribution by the Sisters of Mercy to education in the Tableland area, this pastoral house, represented by the mercy cross, was named after its founder Catherine McAuley. Originally established to educate poor girls in Ireland, the Sisters of Mercy schools played a significant educational role in Australia. The namesake of McAuley house (Catherine McAuley) reminds us if the importance of education for all students, even the marginalised, in our community.
Muluridji House:
This pastoral house has a special significance for our college community as Muluridji is the name of the traditional inhabitants of the land upon which our college is built. On the college crest, this house is represented as the Southern Cross. The meaning of this house is a reminder we need to honour the past and also to maintain stewardship of our college’s resources.